Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei :The Power of Negative Thinking Volume 1

by Koji Kumeta

The humour in this manga is right up my alley. It totally repeats itself and points out silly things that annoy you with other people... well I should say, silly things that annoy ME with regards to other people. It has that kind of observational humour that I really enjoy. It's chalk full of social commentary.

The story is about a young teacher who is basically the most negative person in the world. His students, made up of a bunch of girls are all weirdly unique are labelled by their individual attitudes & odd characteristics.

The book opens with a young girl stumbling upon a man hanging himself... improperly. She rescues him and then later realizes that he happens to be her new teacher. Of course, the girl who finds him just happens to be the most positive, if not a little insane, person you'd ever meet. She takes a positive spin on everything, even negative thinking, the power of which solves a lot of problems for her classmates. This positive spin obviously annoys Zetsubou-Sensei since he is determined to show his students just how depressing and negative the world really is. There is a particularly funny chapter on how no ones dreams are going to come true.

I found this manga to be very refreshing since I haven't enjoyed a whole lot of manga recently. I'm halfway through the second volume and I'm going to have to keep reading this.

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